RecoverMe with Warren Willey

Ep 002 | Interview with Ashley Moeller

Dr. Warren Willey Season 1 Episode 2

On today's episode of the RecoverMe Podcast, we meet Ashley Moeller, a bodybuilder, coach, a former employee and a dear friend of Warren’s.

Ashley shares her incredible journey, going through rough experiences in senior high and college, and how society and Western medicine has shaped her mindset on recovering from injury and getting healthy. She also shares through right diet and hormone treatment, she is healthier than ever. Her journey is about health, wellness, and most important of all, happiness.

Plus, she’ll share how she has gained a better understanding on how people and society adhere to diet trends and Western medicine, which are not necessarily beneficial and healthy. 

Learn more about Ashley and her work at, or you can email her at


5:12I really wanted to understand why, why providers were reading one thing and saying one thing to a patient yet society publishes these other things and totally confused us people.

18:20 So that gut, important gut axis has been a manipulated with Western medicine or stressors or whatnot, and all those things add up to once you're done with the athletics, once you, and like Ashley said, if you continue eating a lot, you could exercise much, which we tend to blame that. "That's the reason I got fat," or, "That's the reason I feel crappy," when really it's just a part of it. Because underlying that the hormones have changed, oxidative stress has changed, the gut has changed. Life stressors have changed so that HPA access has changed. And what I'm trying to get out of this Ashley, is it's not just the fact that you quit exercising, it's the fact that all these things occurred at once along with the high stress level of graduate school and everything you just described and boom, that's when everything went to heck in a hand basket.

24:43 And what does social media tell us when we aren't getting our goals? Eat less. "You're a loser! You're not doing it right! You need to exercise more and eat less," exactly. And that's what I'm trying to emphasize with this and your experiences.

29:25 But you know, I think that's really important is I think people, whether you're an athlete or not, it's really important to relax and not be so strict all the time, but at the same time it's really about finding that balance.

37:43 I do think it's really important. You know, if you're, if you're going to somebody to get help, you really have to tell them everything.

42:53 I think in our modern society, especially with Western medicine, the fixes should be instant and if it's not instant, it doesn't work and that's such a falsity.